
concave mirror 凹面鏡。

concave tile

A concave mirror reflects parallel light rays so that they meet at the so - called focal point . ( if you try to use such a mirror to start a fire in sunlight , you place the tinder at the focal point . ) the distance from the mirror to the focal point is its focal length 凹面鏡反射平行光,讓光線匯聚到所謂的焦點(如果你想用這種鏡子在日光下起火,就要把易燃物放在焦點上) ,從鏡面到焦點的距離就是焦距。

The interferometric zone plate is the essential of hoes , which is the interference between plane wave and sphere wave , can focus the light beam by diffraction , instead of the way which conventional lens or concave mirrors do 摘要干涉式波帶板系由平面波和球面波兩道光波干涉而成,為研究全像光學元件的基礎,其可經由繞射作用達到聚焦效果,猶如使用傳統凸透鏡或凹面鏡所產生的效果。

I copied a reproduction of the silverpoint using a homemade epidiascope based on a small circular concave mirror and direct solar illumination , and when i deliberately “ bumped ” my own epidiascope , i found such a mismatch to be very conspicuous 我用小型的圓凹透鏡與陽光組成的自制幻燈機,從銀尖筆畫復制了一張畫,而當我蓄意碰撞自己的設備后,我發現位移結果是非常醒目的。

To my knowledge , no such concave mirrors made by reversing a glass sphere survive in museum collections , and no contemporary documentary evidence indicates that anyone made concave mirrors by reversing blown glass spheres 據我所知,目前博物館里,沒有任何利用玻璃球內面制造的凹面鏡,也沒有任何那個時代的文件證據指出,有人制造過利用玻璃球內面做成的凹面鏡。

Renaissance craftsmen , moreover , would have faced severe technical challenges in silvering and sealing a concave mirror , which required the application of hot tar and pitch on the outside of the glass 文藝復興時代的工匠在涂銀與裝置凹面鏡時,還要面對更多艱難的技術挑戰,那需要在玻璃表面施予滾燙的焦油與瀝青。

The experimental results of power output as a function of the concave mirror transmission and the mirror - waveguide distance basically agree with the corresponding theory 通過實驗研究了輸出鏡透過率及耦合距離對激光器輸出功率的影響,實驗結果與理論基本相符。

An optical transmission system including several concave mirrors is designed to improve the sensitivity of measurement by extending the optical path for measurement 還特別設計了一個利用多個凹面反射鏡來延長測量光程的光學系統,可提高系統的檢測靈敏度。

From gillens hairdressers window a composite portrait shows him gallant nelson s image . a concave mirror at the side presents to him lovelorn longlost lugubru booloohoom 隔著吉倫理發店的窗戶可以瞥見一幀綜合照片16 ,映出納爾遜的瀟灑英姿。

Unlike concave mirrors , the convex kind produces right - side - up virtual images , smaller than the original object , which cannot be projected onto a canvas 與凹面鏡相反,凸面鏡呈現的虛像不會顛倒,影像比原來的物體要小,且無法投射到畫布上。

The ancient greeks used lenses or concave mirrors to concentrate the sun ' s rays and burning glasses were also used by mexican aztecs and the chinese 古希臘人使用透鏡或凹面鏡聚集太陽光線并且這種方法也被墨西哥阿芝臺克和中國人使用。

The size of images formed by concave mirrors depends on how far the objects are located from the mirror foci 利用凹鏡所看到的鏡像,則會隨物體與鏡面焦點的距離而變化。

The diameter of a sphere is four times the focal length of a concave mirror cut from it 凹面鏡如果是從圓球上切下來的,圓球的直徑會是凹面鏡焦距的四倍。